Who we are, where we came from and most importantly, where we’re going.
The Pay Gap Insights Hub has evolved from the Mind The Gap campaign, which advocated for the Government to legislate for pay gap reporting in 2021- 2023.
New Zealand doesn't have this legislation yet, but through this work, we did get businesses on side - measuring their gaps, sharing them and starting the work to close them.
Co-Founder of Mind the Gap, Dellwyn Stuart, is the force behind the new Hub. Dellwyn leads the Gender at Work community which manages the GenderTick accreditation for Kiwi organisations. Her team has the skills and experience to support businesses to continue this work.
Why we developed the Pay Gap Insights Hub
The Hub has been launched to recognise that we have momentum in Aotearoa now, with pay gap reporting accepted as a modern business tool by more than 100 businesses.
But we know there are lots more organisations out there who could be reporting. The Pay Gap Insights Hub aims to make pay gap reporting easy by providing a hub of expert resources and a new, improved Registry.
Our vision
The Hub is all about encouraging and supporting organisations to embrace the opportunity to find hidden discrimination in their pay systems - and fix it. We want to be the place where wins are celebrated, expertise is shared and real case studies help guide others - making it easier for those that follow the early adopters.