The Government’s gender pay gap toolkit can be found here and includes:
An online calculator
A downloadable worksheet that helps organisations to prepare their data
A self-assessment quiz to learn more about where you are at on your gender pay gap journey
Guidance and templates to support you to calculate and report your gender pay gap.
The Government has consulted with a wide variety of businesses to develop a measure for the gender pay gap that can be the New Zealand standard.
On our pay gap Registry, we have many New Zealand businesses already making progress in measuring and improving their gender pay gaps, but the way pay gaps are measured varies.
So this toolkit has been developed to encourage and help more businesses to measure their gender pay gap and begin the work to close it.
The toolkit supports businesses to calculate their pay gaps consistently. It has been designed to empower solution-focused conversations that will make a difference over time. It encourages businesses to look beyond the numbers, understand the drivers and implement meaningful change.
There are a variety of different approaches to measuring pay gaps – different methods will give you different perspectives on the drivers and context for your gaps. But if you are already reporting, please consider adding this methodology to what you are currently doing.